New Single: John Proctor’s Lament

It’s time for round 2 from the new album with the release of synth-pop monster ‘John Proctor’s Lament‘. This one draws its inspiration from the glorious Arthur Miller play ‘The Crucible’. I’ve long been a fan of the play. In fact, I once starred as Judge Danforth in a school production at the tender/impressionable age of 17. But it was re-watching the film adaptation a couple of years ago that really stirred the creative juices, with Daniel Day-Lewis’ impassioned closing monologue propelling me to hustle off with guitar in hand to capture his heartfelt cry in song.

In making the video, I wanted to burrow deep into the riven heart of John Proctor, to explore the tension between his honour and his shame, to balance the funneling black intensity of his guilt alongside the explosive colourful passion to clear his name. To that end I am entirely grateful for all those talented filmmakers out there whose generous use of Creative Commons licencing enabled me to cannibalise their superior works for this Frankenstein effort of my own. The reoccurring motif of centrifugal vs centripetal force expressed in kaleidoscopic beauty gave birth to a video that really expresses the essence of this song. The original names and works of these talented people are listed below. My use of their work does not imply that the licensor endorses me or my use of their material in any way.

With deep gratitude.

Jeff Mertz: The City Without You, Alex Lark: Wild At Heart, Kimberly Daul: The Rift A Surrealist Film, Raphael Arar: Gemini Heart, Leif Maginnis: Artstrobe Interactive Light Art, Carlos Vieira: Sepai Technology, Matthew Wilshire Jones: UntitledScarcely Less Bitter: Daniel Bitter, Vorfreuden:  Brody Davis: Seattle Ferry Timelapse, The House of Ia, Pontius.six: Beeple,  VJ001 – Digi World: Anders Goberg, Cargill Grain Animator: Seth Amman & Billy Erhard, Inkdrops: Nurvision, Drop of Ink: Locke Visuals, Ebeil: Toshi Yamamoto along with several videos from Should I have accidentally neglected to credit you, please let me know asasp and I will rectify right away.